FastDomain Web Hosting Help

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Help Content Tagged Domains - 14 results RSS

How do I setup an addon domain or parked domain in my hosting account?
Knowledgebase Article 918,768 views tags: addon domains parked

Getting Started Wizard How to obtain a Transfer Authorization ( EPP ) Code If you want to transfer your .com, .net, .biz, .us, .org or .info domain, you will need to contact your current registrar an
Getting Started Article 698,646 views tags: authorization code domain domains epp top

Can I have multiple domains pointing to my site or to a directory on my site?
Knowledgebase Article 520,904 views tags: domain domains

This article will explain how to un-assign a domain name from your account.
Knowledgebase Article 419,005 views tags: delete domain domains park parked remove unassign unpark

I am trying to transfer a domain(s) from my current registrar to fastdomain. When I fill out the transfer form I cannot get beyond step 2/4. There does not seem to be any "submit" or "next"
Knowledgebase Article 371,799 views tags: addon auth code domain domains epp registration transfer

You need two things to have a successful website and professional email: a domain registration and a hosting account.
Knowledgebase Article 324,191 views tags: dns domain domains nameservers servers

Starting on August 26, 2019, the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) will be a new protocol available that provides WHOIS details for generic top-level domains (gTLDs) (e.g., .com, .net).
Knowledgebase Article 307,398 views tags: access data domains gdpr icann protocol rdap registration

Can I host domain extensions which FastDomain cannot register?
Knowledgebase Article 213,176 views tags: domains hosting international

How to enable or disable privacy for a .CA domain
Knowledgebase Article 201,644 views tags: domains

Why FastDomain blocks transferring domains soon to expire.
Knowledgebase Article 172,896 views tags: domains transfer

Any time DNS is updated, it can take up to 48 hours for those changes to take effect. This period of time is called propagation, and it applies to any and all DNS updates. This article will explain what propagation is and why it's important.
Knowledgebase Article 167,799 views tags: a cache cname dns domains mx propagation txt

How to resend the Admin Verify code
Knowledgebase Article 162,709 views tags: domains epp transfer

A step-by-step guide to renewing your domain name registration.
Knowledgebase Article 158,114 views tags: domains registration renew

What might be the reasons you haven't received the EPP Code
Knowledgebase Article 108,066 views tags: domains epp