FastDomain - How Much Does A Domain Name Cost? Prices Of Domains / TLD's

FastDomain Web Hosting Help

How Much Does A Domain Name Cost? Prices Of Domains / TLD's

A good domain name is the first step in helping people find your website or websites. Here at FastDomain, you can purchase multiple domains to direct to the same site, or you can use them for additional websites.

All prices shown reflect the annual registration and renewal rate. Domain registration and renewal fees are non-refundable.

Original Top Level Domain Names

Original Top Level Domain Registration Renewal Privacy
.com $11.99 $19.99 $11.88
.net $12.99 $19.99 $11.88
.biz $11.99 $21.99 $11.88
.info $11.99 $21.99 $11.88
.org $8.99 $19.99 $11.88

Country-code Top Level Domain Names

Country-code Top Level Domain Registration Renewal Privacy
.ca $11.88
.cc $24.99 $29.99 $11.88 $24.99 $29.99 $11.88
.me $17.99 $17.99 $11.88 $24.99 $29.99 $11.88
.tv $24.99 $29.99 $11.88
.us $19.99 NA
.ws $24.99 $29.99 $11.88

New Generic Top Level Domain Names

Generic Top Level Domain Registration Renewal Privacy
.academy $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.actor $49.99 $52.99 $11.88
.agency $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.associates $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.bar $99.99 $99.99 $11.88
.bargains $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.bid $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.bike $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.blackfriday $34.99 $49.99 $11.88
.blog $11.88
.blue $21.99 $23.99 $11.88
.boutique $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.build $99.99 $102.99 $11.88
.builders $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.buzz $49.99 $52.99 $11.88
.cab $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.camera $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.camp $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.capital $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.cards $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.care $27.99 $39.99 $11.88
.careers $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.cash $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.catering $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.center $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.cheap $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.church $39.99 $39.99 $11.88
.city $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.claims $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.cleaning $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.clinic $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.clothing $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.club $14.99 $18.99 $11.88
.co $14.99 $24.99 $11.88
.codes $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.coffee $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.community $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.company $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.computer $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.condos $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.construction $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.consulting $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.contractors $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.cool $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.credit $129.99 $132.99 $11.88
.creditcard $186.99 $189.99 $11.88
.cruises $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.dance $29.99 $32.99 $11.88
.dating $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.deals $27.99 $31.99 $11.88
.democrat $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.dental $48.99 $69.99 $11.88
.diamonds $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.digital $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.direct $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.directory $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.discount $27.99 $39.99 $11.88
.domains $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.education $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.email $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.engineering $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.enterprises $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.equipment $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.estate $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.events $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.exchange $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.expert $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.exposed $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.fail $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.farm $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.finance $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.financial $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.fish $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.fitness $27.99 $39.99 $11.88
.flights $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.florist $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.foundation $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.fund $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.furniture $48.99 $69.99 $11.88
.futbol $14.99 $17.99 $11.88
.gallery $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.glass $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.graphics $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.gratis $17.99 $24.99 $11.88
.gripe $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.guide $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.guru $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.holdings $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.holiday $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.host $129.99 $129.99 $11.88
.house $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.immobilien $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.industries $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.ink $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.institute $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.insure $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.international $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.investments $129.99 $132.99 $11.88
.kaufen $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.kitchen $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.kim $22.99 $25.99 $11.88
.kiwi $47.99 $50.99 $11.88
.land $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.lease $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.life $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.lighting $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.limited $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.limo $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.loans $126.99 $129.99 $11.88
.maison $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.management $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.marketing $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.media $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.menu $49.99 $52.99 $11.88
.moda $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.name $14.99 $14.99 $11.88
.ninja $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.online $11.88
.partners $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.parts $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.photo $27.99 $39.99 $11.88
.photography $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.photos $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.pictures $11.99 $14.99 $11.88
.pink $22.99 $25.99 $11.88
.place $27.99 $39.99 $11.88
.plumbing $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.press $79.99 $81.99 $11.88
.productions $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.properties $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.pub $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.recipes $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.red $22.99 $25.99 $11.88
.reisen $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.rentals $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.repair $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.report $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.rest $49.99 $52.99 $11.88
.reviews $29.99 $32.99 $11.88
.rocks $11.99 $14.99 $11.88
.schule $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.services $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.shiksha $22.99 $25.99 $11.88
.shoes $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.singles $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.site $11.88
.social $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.solar $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.solutions $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.space $11.88
.store $11.88
.supplies $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.supply $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.support $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.surgery $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.systems $11.88
.tax $49.99 $69.99 $11.88
.tech $11.88
.technology $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.tienda $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.tips $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.today $24.99 $27.99 $11.88
.tools $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.town $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.toys $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.trade $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.training $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.university $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.uno $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.vacations $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.ventures $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.viajes $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.villas $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.vision $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.voyage $69.99 $72.99 $11.88
.watch $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.website $14.99 $17.99 $11.88
.wiki $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.works $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.wtf $39.99 $42.99 $11.88
.xyz $14.99 $19.99 $11.88
.zone $39.99 $42.99 $11.88

In the case that your domain expires, FastDomain will hold the expired domain for up to 30 days as a courtesy (not as an obligation, contractual or otherwise), pending renewal. 30 days after expiration, the domain will be placed in Redemption. During the Redemption period the domain will be inaccessible and unable to be registered elsewhere. In order to bring the domain out of Redemption, you must pay a Redemption fee of $70.00, as well as the renewal fee associated with the TLD.

Terms and Conditions

All Hosting accounts are paid for upfront and in full at sign up. All Setup and Domain Registration fees are non-refundable. All accounts canceled in the first 30 Days of service qualify for a full refund at the monthly rate.

When canceling your FastDomain account prior to your accounts end of term or down grading your account to a term for less than a year; you forfeit the Domain Registration coupon and FastDomain deducts $15.99 from your final refund amount to cover our costs for registering your new domain on your behalf for one year. Subject to the terms of your domain registration agreement, you will retain ownership of your domain until the end of its registration period.

For our European Union customers VAT (Value Added Tax) is not included in our advertised price and will be charged separately and itemized on invoices and billing information. Standard VAT rates based on EU Member State regulations may apply. For more information on VAT, please refer to the knowledgeable article, Value Added Tax (VAT).

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