FastDomain - How To Install WordPress - WordPress Installation Guide

FastDomain Web Hosting Help

How To Install WordPress - WordPress Installation Guide

If you would like to get started but don't have an account you can sign up for one at

We provide multiple options designed to make it very easy to install third party scripts to your hosting account. If you want your website to have a WordPress blog, you can use Marketplace or My Sites to install WordPress to the root of your site or to a subdirectory.

Installing WordPress with Marketplace (Legacy)

  1. Log in to your FastDomain cPanel account.
  2. Find the Website section and select Install WordPress.
  3. Click the Install button.
  4. Choose the domain name to install it to. In the field next to the domain, you can enter a subfolder such as 'blog' or leave it blank if you want the site's main page to be the blog.
  5. If necessary, you can edit the email address, username and password for the new WordPress installation. Click "advanced options" and you can change those settings.
  6. Read through the license and service agreements and check the boxes.
  7. Select the Install Now button.

Installing WordPress with My Sites (Bluerock)

  1. Log in to your FastDomain Hosting account.
  2. Open the My Sites tab from the side menu on the left.
  3. Click on the Create Site button.
  4. Enter the Site Name and Site Tagline.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select the domain you wish to install to from the drop-down list.
  7. Choose the directory this should be installed to, and click Next.
If you would like to get started but don't have an account you can sign for one at

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