FastDomain Web Hosting Help
MySQL Connection Strings
A connection string is a sequence of variables which will address the specific database and allow you to connect your code to your MySQL database.
If you do not have a database yet, the following article will provide you with the proper instructions: How to Create and Delete MySQL Databases and Users
Once you have a database setup, create the database's tables either via phpMyAdmin, MySQL software or use an online PHP or Perl script.
Use the following configuration settings:
- Version: MySQL 5
- Username: cpUsername_dbUserName
- Database Name: cpUsername_dbName
- Password: The password for cpUsername_dbUsername
- Hostaddress: localhost
- Port: 3306
Connection String Examples
The connection string can be either of the two examples below (be sure to replace the variables in red with your actual information):
For Perl:
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:cpUsername_dbName:localhost","cpUsername_dbUsername","password");
For PHP:
$dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "cpUsername_dbUsername", "password")
or die ('I cannot connect to the database.');
mysql_select_db ("cpUsername_dbName");
For more information on how to work with phpMyAdmin. please visit:
Knowledgebase Article
tags: connection databases mysql
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